LYMA Laser: is it the best Home Skin Laser? Full review

LYMA Laser: is it the best Home Skin Laser? Full review

Transform your skin at home with Lyma laser, which works to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate bacteria and many different skin flaws. Laser technology and LED lights at home provide lots of benefits for your skin. This device differs from other laser devices in using cold 808nm near-infrared laser and blue LEDs instead of heat, It also has the ability to penetrate deep through the multiple layers of the skin

Lyma laser has become famous among people Interested in skin care. Now we offer you everything you may need to know about it, as we present to you its advantages and disadvantages, how to use it, and the results it provides. In addition to the price and an honest and comprehensive review of the device. Follow us to know more.

How LYMA laser works

The Lyma laser operates at a power of 500mW with a wavelength of 808nm. The laser can reach and treat the deepest layers of the skin. It uses low-level near-infrared laser therapy technology, which is a completely new technology. Unlike other laser devices that direct heat to the skin to stimulate collagen and produce new skin cells.

Lyma laser builds on existing laser light energy to produce more proteins to fight free radicals, which leads to the stimulation of collagen and elastin.

Safest at-home Laser

Lyma laser, despite its high power, is completely safe to use and not harmful to your skin. You can used around the eye without goggles thanks to patented internal diffusers that fragment the near-infrared light into 25,000 smaller beams because it makes the energy directed at your skin cool and effective at the same time. In addition, it is suitable for all skin types and skin tones.

LYMA Laser kit price

Lyma laser benefits and results

The device is easy to use, you can complete it in 30 minutes a day for two months until you get the best results. However results may take longer depending on the condition of the skin and the area, and it provides lots of benefits to your skin such as anti-aging, wrinkles, and enhancing the skin tone and texture.

Nevertheless, you will use LYMA Laser for 15-30 minutes daily in the treated area for 2-3 months to get the results. Here is what to expect from the device:

  • You will start to notice changes in acne and rosacea in the first month of use, you will get the best results and significant improvement after 3+ months.
  • For scars, they will start fading at around 2 months of daily use, but some scars need more time up to 6 months.
  • If you want to use the device to improve the tone and texture of your skin, you will be able to notice the changes in the first month.
  • Skin rejuvenation also does not need a long time. The results will begin to appear after using the device for 30 minutes of daily use for one month.


  1. Easy to use daily.
  2. CE & FDA– Cleared.
  3. Suitable for all skin tones and types.
  4. Treats most skin problems such as signs of aging, scars, acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and more.
  5. Long battery life, full charge in 4 hours.
  6. You can use it in any area of the body except the eyes.
  7. Compact travel partner.
  8. A powerful advanced technology.
  9. Cordless which makes it more easy to use.
  10. Without pain.
  11. Safe around the eyes and neck.


  1. It is very expensive.
  2. Needs to be used on a daily basis for months to see results.
  3. LYMA Laser isn’t clinically tested.
  4. It takes a lot of time.
  5. Difficult to use on some areas of the body such as the back.
  6. It’s rather heavy.

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How to Use Lyma Laser

The device is easy and simple to use as it comes with LYMA Oxygen Mis, which contains a mineral-rich formula featuring 36 percent active stabilized oxygen and hydrating LYMA Oxygen Glide, which comes with the device. Below is the simplest guide on how to use it and gain the best results.

  1. Apply 6 pumps of LYMA Oxygen Mis on the area you want to treat the skin.
  2. Then apply 6 pumps of the hydrating LYMA Oxygen Glide.
  3. Now you can use the LYMA Laser. Hold it over each section of the skin you are treating for a minimum of 3 minutes a day.

LYMA Laser Before and After

After using the device by many people, the efficiency of the device was summarized in specific points, which are improving the appearance of the skin, reducing wrinkles and signs of aging, and skin elasticity without pain or downtime.

LYMA Laser Before and After

The device works to reach the deep layers of the skin and rejuvenate it with the latest safe laser technologies, which give excellent transformative results in as little as 12 weeksThe only device is able to reach the base layer of your skin.

LYMA Laser Before and After 2023

LYMA Laser

Sarah Randal

Overall Score


LYMA Laser is a controversial device that promises great results, but there are a lot of things in the shades, that prove or just indicate, that this device isn’t what it really is.


Lyma laser reviews

Of course, when any laser skin rejuvenation device is released, honest user experiences are the biggest evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of the device. Here are the most important reviews:

Olivia from the United Kingdom says: The device is excellent for her, as it solves many problems such as spots and pigmentation, and it also makes her skin color more balanced. 

Emily from the United States says that she has been using the device daily for a while and that she is close to the age of fifty, despite that she receives a lot of comments from her friends about the consistency and beauty of her skin.

Oliver from the United States says that he was frankly skeptical of the device and that its price was very high, because he had previous failed experiences with skin laser devices, but the Lima laser was the best investment he made for his skin. He used it for three months straight and Lyma wrinkles significantly reduced.

Jessica says that she has a long-term war with scars and acne and that she tried everything, and in the end, she decided to use Lyma laser, and thanks to it, she was able to finally solve the acne problem, and the scars became much lighter after only the first two months.

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Final Words

The LYMA laser is powerful and gives excellent results without a doubt, but its high price and slow results make it a risk to obtain it, especially if you do not want to commit to using it daily for 30 minutes.

You can check out a wide range of home laser devices on our site that you will like for hair removal and skin improvement, such as the Philips Lumea laser, Kennzi, and others.